Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Prepare Your Horoscope

ARIES 13 June: Professional hopes can be raised by today's rather ambitious mood, but it seems likely that community activities could be more important. It's almost as if you're about to take care of the local environment in some way. And why not? It's about time you exercised your natural authority.

TAURUS 13 June: It's time to begin to take command, and you can start by ascertaining the precise legal position, or at the very least by seizing the moral high ground. There may also be travel plans to arrange, so get to it! You really have no excuse for not doing your level best.

GEMINI 13 June: This is no time for dwelling on 'what might have been', but for concentrating on 'what is'. Make a start by licking financial affairs into order, and ascertaining that you are in a good position to gain from future developments. You need to be sure that you are in charge, if only for your own peace of mind.

CANCER 13 June: You may have to give some ground at home but, curiously, even the slightest gesture might be enough. Or, to put it another way, it's the thought that counts. A trip to the past could be a good idea, perhaps as a refuge from the trials and tribulations of the present.

LEO 13 June: This is not a day for frills and frivolities, but for doing all those things that need to be done. That goes for social arrangements, by the way, so get on the phone, write letters, and issue invitations. Oh, and listen carefully to a friend who has a favour to ask. You know it makes sense.

VIRGO 13 June: You may lighten up and take a little time off. With luck, daily events should take care of themselves so, if you sit back and trust that everything will turn out all right, you should be able to coast along. Your natural caution is probably your greatest asset, as it happens.

LIBRA 13 June: You may lay down the law and force others to obey your will at home. At least, you can try! Obviously, only you know how far you can go, but you could find partners considerably more malleable than they've been for weeks. Actually, your best plan is to support other people when they're in the right.

SCORPIO 13 June: You have given partners and colleagues every opportunity to meet you in the middle and agree a new way of doing things. It is now up to them to get on and fulfil their promises, but you must give them time. You should probably also offer them extra support.

SAGITTARIUS 13 June: Money is, of course, very important to your state of mind, even though you are more capable than most people of seeing that it is not everything. That said, the simplest reading of today's stars is that it's a perfect moment to cheer yourself up by wandering around the shops.

CAPRICORN 13 June: There is a higher than usual chance of strange dreams, and you may be vaguely perplexed by feelings or half-formed memories which can't quite be pinned down. Your unconscious is at work, and it's important to try and understand what it's saying. You never know what you might discover.

AQUARIUS 13 June: There can be little doubt that this is still a highly significant moment for a number of you, and that there are many changes still to occur in your own life and aspirations. Today, you may take some time off to busy yourself with projects which are purely personal.

PISCES 13 June: You should reinforce all social contacts, today. It seems likely that you have become indispensable to a certain person or group of people - or so they think. You may put forward your ideas and persuade partners that you are indeed completely right on everything.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

prepare a day by horoscope

ARIES 11 June: Today's lively planetary picture could easily pass you by. However, once you start talking about your real feelings, or even dare to think about them, you may open the flood gates to a tide of emotion. Just watch out that you don't end up throwing money away in pursuit of false promises

TAURUS 11 June: There is a very high chance of a lucrative financial offer. Stop and think, though, for this is one of those times when a wonderful opportunity could vanish as fast as it appears. Opposition from partners should diminish as the day passes, so someone who has been bothering you may quietly slip away in prsuit of false promises.

April 21 - May 21TAURUS 11 June: There is a very high chance of a lucrative financial offer. Stop and think, though, for this is one of those times when a wonderful opportunity could vanish as fast as it appears. Opposition from partners should diminish as the day passes, so someone who has been bothering you may quietly slip away.
May 22 - June 21GEMINI 11 June: This is a time for action but not for commitment. One possible course is to surrender to fate and allow circumstances to dictate the pace. This requires considerable courage, for you must learn to trust in the future. That's difficult I know, but it's essential.
June 22 - July 23CANCER 11 June: The possibility of secret emotions and fantasies now seems to be at a height. There may be an element of deception, but very much more noticeable are your idealistic tendencies - including your admirable belief in a better world - and these should sustain you.
July 24 - August23LEO 11 June: Your social stars are extremely powerful, and this is one of those times when, at your most extreme, you may fall in love one minute, and then out of love the next. At the very least you should be shuffling your friends and re-arranging engagements.
August 24 - September 23VIRGO 11 June: Keep a close watch on professional developments. A major opportunity will come and go very quickly, and it will be up to you to seize the moment. You may even have a chance to opt out of a commitment in which you always thought you were trapped. But do you really want to be free? That could be what you're about to find out.
September 24 - October 23LIBRA 11 June: The urge to travel, or to be somewhere else, may be absolutely irresistible. If you have the freedom to take off at a moment's notice, do so. Otherwise you'll have to find whatever way you can to bring a little inspiration into your life. I'm sure you'll manage.
October 24 - November 22SCORPIO 11 June: Money makes the world go around is one old familiar saying with fresh relevance. Another is 'money doesn't talk, it swears', which may sum up your mood today! The fact is, though, that a little careful forethought will avert any problem the stars can throw at you.
November 23 - December 22SAGITTARIUS 11 June: If today is all sweetness and light, you're missing out on something. But, if there should be any signs of imminent crisis, face up to them and get to grips with as many problems as you can. In so doing you'll clear the air and lift a weight from your shoulders.
December 23 - January 20CAPRICORN 11 June: Much depends on your ability to cope with routine daily chores. The most you can expect from today's stars is the chance to change jobs, and the best advice you can be offered is to tackle overdue tasks before the pressure becomes irresistible. Oh, and keep financial pressures in perspective.
January 21 - February 19AQUARIUS 11 June: Be prepared to do a U-turn. In fact be prepared to do two! It's important that you have as much freedom as you need to change your mind and then change it back again. This is such an important time in your personal development that you can't be constrained by what other people think or expect.
February 20 - March 20PISCES 11 June: It may be difficult, but you have to decide who you love, where you want to live and also probably what you want to do for work. Important questions indeed, but nobody ever said that, having made up your mind, you should stick to your guns. Whatever you do today you can undo tomorrow.


Saturday, 9 June 2012

Prepare DAY

Daily Weekly

Horoscope by DAY

March 21 - April 20ARIES 09 June: You may have a sense of being in limbo, or cast adrift. Quite why this should be so is not clear, but we can say that you'll have your feet back on firm ground very soon. This is a time to be constructive in your outlook and resolute and firm in your approach.More About Aries
April 21 - May 21TAURUS 09 June: Stress levels are set to ease up. A battle royal has been taking place between a number of other planets, an encounter with profound consequences for your emotional security. It may be that you have already decided that things cannot go on as before. But then, you have known that for a long while. Come to think of it, it's time for an improvement!More About Taurus
May 22 - June 21GEMINI 09 June: If you have been in touch with underlying trends, you will know that this has been a time of unique and reassuring experiences. But you must still be aware that there are serious emotional questions to be dealt with. It's just that it's difficult to get to the real issues.More About Gemini
June 22 - July 23CANCER 09 June: Many of you will be feeling the uncompromising impact of Mars blowing through your life. It must be clear by now that the pattern of your affairs and activities must be changed for the better. And I have a feeling you'll make a start by putting up some extra cash.More About Cancer
July 24 - August23LEO 09 June: Perhaps you now feel like battening down the hatches and taking shelter from emotional assaults. You may feel unfairly squeezed between people who think you should become more deeply involved and those who wish you to withdraw altogether. Watch out for financial confrontations - they can be avoided, you know.More About Leo
August 24 - September 23VIRGO 09 June: Seven planets encouraging you to do your own thing and go your own way is not bad support. You are under no pressure to take certain adventurous and even extraordinary steps, but the opportunity is there if you wish to use it. It really is up to you.More About Virgo
September 24 - October 23LIBRA 09 June: It is your own sweet nature which enables you to keep your emotions and temper under control. You must continue to exercise charm, tact and diplomacy even if you fear that you have suffered in a business matter. It's time to forgive and forget.More About Libra
October 24 - November 22SCORPIO 09 June: Accept the fact that partners have their own beliefs, ideas and feelings. You may have cause to take up the gauntlet and rise to the challenge, yet it may be best to let matters rest and go your own way. Partners are likely to be over-fussy, but that's all down to the current awkward lunar alignments.More Abou Scorpio
November 23 - December 22SAGITTARIUS 09 June: Realise that a joint financial arrangement or business association may have to end if you are to achieve a number of goals or ambitions. On the other hand, you must forge a new relationship without delay. Only then will you know that you have the support to proceed.More About Sagittarius
December 23 - January 20CAPRICORN 09 June: The next few days lift your heart and raise your hopes. When dealing with affairs of the heart you must take into account the fact that partners are now developing much stronger ideas as to who does what and when. It may be tactful to give way, at least in the short-term. More About Capricorn
January 21 - February 19AQUARIUS 09 June: You may still need to spend some time away from home or outside your usual environment if you are to be certain of your next move. On the other hand, domestic responsibilities are likely to deny you the chance to get away. But, first, figure out exactly how much your plans will cost.More About Aquarius
February 20 - March 20PISCES 09 June: You must get a move-on, especially if you are keen to develop any area of activity which is deeply satisfying and fulfilling. Jupiter is about to set you on a dynamic and enjoyable new course. At least, it will if you can dodge partners' attempts to drag you back to the past!More About Pisces

Thursday, 7 June 2012


Free Daily Horoscope, Astrology, Numerology Online by Peter Vidal - Indian Express

Daily Weekly


March 21 - April 20ARIES 08 June: You know full well that it is within your power to determine the outcome of financial negotiations and discussions. There's something that's still not entirely clear, though. Perhaps the role of a female associate has yet to be established - you don't quite know where you stand. More About Aries
April 21 - May 21TAURUS 08 June: Current astrological trends offer you a marvellous opportunity to face up to awkward or highly emotional situations. Face up to partners' complaints and criticism in the knowledge that you have got what it takes to put them right. You must believe in yourself.More About Taurus
May 22 - June 21GEMINI 08 June: You are now entering a phase in which you may reasonably allow situations to take their own course. However, as far as specifically financial affairs are concerned you must be careful not to let events run out of your control, especially at this delicate stage. More About Gemini
June 22 - July 23CANCER 08 June: You're still on top of events, but your best bet at the moment is to occupy your time in such a manner that you cannot be forced to accept unsatisfactory conditions. Keep a close watch on financial affairs later in the day, and make sure that nobody pulls the wool over your eyes.More About Cancer
July 24 - August23LEO 08 June: This is likely to be a crucial period as far as both career and domestic hopes are concerned. Family pressures which have surfaced recently may go back a long way. Now you have the opportunity to tackle these entrenched, long-term issues and deal with partners who have dug their heels in.More About Leo
August 24 - September 23VIRGO 08 June: The current Pluto alignment indicates that an emotional or family tie is quite clearly giving you some cause for concern just now. However, a solution lies well within your grasp and it is therefore in your interests to be placatory; it's easy when you know how!More About Virgo
September 24 - October 23LIBRA 08 June: In a matter of days a number of pieces of the jigsaw will fit into place. Yet first you may have to endure a certain amount of aggravation from partners who still do not believe you are up to the job. It is true, though, that you may have to smarten up your act.More About Libra
October 24 - November 22SCORPIO 08 June: Mercury's relationship with your sign suggests that you have probably become accustomed to harsh words and heavy demands, especially when discussing personal questions. All the relevant issues must now be brought to the surface. And sooner rather than later.More Abou Scorpio
November 23 - December 22SAGITTARIUS 08 June: There really seems to be little point in arguing or apportioning blame over a career matter. You must see that there is much good sense in what other people have to say, and you will reject good advice at your peril. It's time to listen, and to bide your time.More About Sagittarius
December 23 - January 20CAPRICORN 08 June: Partners and close associates have really been remarkably willing to compromise when you think about it. You have only a short time left to reach a firm agreement before you again run into stiff opposition. Oh, and keep an eye on legal irritations.More About Capricorn
January 21 - February 19AQUARIUS 08 June: Recent statements have undoubtedly been an eye-opener, and you now have the perfect opportunity to pull a number of different emotional strands together. Close friends will appreciate your new, fresh approach. It makes a change from partners complaining that you are upsetting their plans!More About Aquarius
February 20 - March 20PISCES 08 June: Others may well be plausible and convincing, yet it now seems rather unlikely that you will derive much benefit by changing the pattern of your life either at home or at work. Such changes require a great deal more thought, at least for the next few weeks.More About Pisces

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


Free Daily Horoscope, Astrology, Numerology Online by Peter Vidal - Indian Express


Daily Weekly


March 21 - April 20ARIES 07 June: Don't anticipate the outcome of any meetings, no matter whether you're sitting down with partners or colleagues. Although you may no longer be in charge, discussions which are outside your control will be to your advantage, so allow events to take their course. More About Aries
April 21 - May 21TAURUS 07 June: Astrology has a great deal to do with timing, with both the right time and the wrong time to initiate various ventures. Now is an excellent moment for you to get a number of enterprises under way as long as you are absolutely clear about your motives and goals.More About Taurus
May 22 - June 21GEMINI 07 June: For a few weeks a show of independence has been bolstered by the vigorous presence of the planet Mars. Now you will be challenged to stand on your own two feet, even to offer a helping hand to someone who has supported you in the past and who really does now need your help. More About Gemini
June 22 - July 23CANCER 07 June: You are willing to believe that others are ready and able to offer you the emotional support that you need. You may now think about spreading your wings and branching out into a different sphere of activity. The planets suggest new business activities. Are you interested? Are you ready? More About Cancer
July 24 - August23LEO 07 June: The current delicate relationship between Venus and Pluto indicates that you would be wise to avoid any conflicts or confrontations with family members, especially brothers and sisters. Others may be beginning to sense that all is not to your liking on the home front, but I doubt if they're ready to compromise.More About Leo
August 24 - September 23VIRGO 07 June: You may still feel rather out on a limb, perhaps because someone has passed you by or belittled your talents. Yet support from the helpful planet Mercury indicates that there is little that can disturb your equilibrium - as long as you're prepared for the unexpected!More About Virgo
September 24 - October 23LIBRA 07 June: A financial or business crisis is but the tip of the iceberg and the symptom of a much deeper malaise. What is at issue is your refusal to value your gifts and the contribution you are able to make to society at large. If you're in a quandary, take stock, seek advice and start afresh.More About Libra
October 24 - November 22SCORPIO 07 June: This is a time to stand up for yourself and let others see just how strong-willed and self-sufficient you really are. Yet if partners seem hell-bent on a collision course, please do your best to avert a clash. There is so much you can do to defuse tension behind the scenes.More Abou Scorpio
November 23 - December 22SAGITTARIUS 07 June: In view of an impending planetary opposition you must not enter into new financial arrangements without taking expert or legal advice. Yet with a sound and well-thought-out approach you may do much better than expected. In fact, I think you're about to hit the jackpot.More About Sagittarius
December 23 - January 20CAPRICORN 07 June: You will probably have little difficulty convincing close companions that certain alterations will be to everyone's advantage. After all this time some degree of success is unavoidable, if only because there is certain inevitability about your current path.More About Capricorn
January 21 - February 19AQUARIUS 07 June: Having experienced just how thoughtless and intransigent certain people can be, you must now find new ways to shift the ground in your favour. However, there is little to be gained from forcing the issues, so I suggest you continue on a generous, tolerant and flexible, ready-for-anything path.More About Aquarius
February 20 - March 20PISCES 07 June: Loved ones now know that they have overstepped the mark, but may not yet be ready to apologise or make amends. Be content with the knowledge that you are, and always were, in the right. One other word of advice: banish your doubts and believe in yourself for a change.More About Pisces