Wednesday, 6 June 2012


Free Daily Horoscope, Astrology, Numerology Online by Peter Vidal - Indian Express


Daily Weekly


March 21 - April 20ARIES 07 June: Don't anticipate the outcome of any meetings, no matter whether you're sitting down with partners or colleagues. Although you may no longer be in charge, discussions which are outside your control will be to your advantage, so allow events to take their course. More About Aries
April 21 - May 21TAURUS 07 June: Astrology has a great deal to do with timing, with both the right time and the wrong time to initiate various ventures. Now is an excellent moment for you to get a number of enterprises under way as long as you are absolutely clear about your motives and goals.More About Taurus
May 22 - June 21GEMINI 07 June: For a few weeks a show of independence has been bolstered by the vigorous presence of the planet Mars. Now you will be challenged to stand on your own two feet, even to offer a helping hand to someone who has supported you in the past and who really does now need your help. More About Gemini
June 22 - July 23CANCER 07 June: You are willing to believe that others are ready and able to offer you the emotional support that you need. You may now think about spreading your wings and branching out into a different sphere of activity. The planets suggest new business activities. Are you interested? Are you ready? More About Cancer
July 24 - August23LEO 07 June: The current delicate relationship between Venus and Pluto indicates that you would be wise to avoid any conflicts or confrontations with family members, especially brothers and sisters. Others may be beginning to sense that all is not to your liking on the home front, but I doubt if they're ready to compromise.More About Leo
August 24 - September 23VIRGO 07 June: You may still feel rather out on a limb, perhaps because someone has passed you by or belittled your talents. Yet support from the helpful planet Mercury indicates that there is little that can disturb your equilibrium - as long as you're prepared for the unexpected!More About Virgo
September 24 - October 23LIBRA 07 June: A financial or business crisis is but the tip of the iceberg and the symptom of a much deeper malaise. What is at issue is your refusal to value your gifts and the contribution you are able to make to society at large. If you're in a quandary, take stock, seek advice and start afresh.More About Libra
October 24 - November 22SCORPIO 07 June: This is a time to stand up for yourself and let others see just how strong-willed and self-sufficient you really are. Yet if partners seem hell-bent on a collision course, please do your best to avert a clash. There is so much you can do to defuse tension behind the scenes.More Abou Scorpio
November 23 - December 22SAGITTARIUS 07 June: In view of an impending planetary opposition you must not enter into new financial arrangements without taking expert or legal advice. Yet with a sound and well-thought-out approach you may do much better than expected. In fact, I think you're about to hit the jackpot.More About Sagittarius
December 23 - January 20CAPRICORN 07 June: You will probably have little difficulty convincing close companions that certain alterations will be to everyone's advantage. After all this time some degree of success is unavoidable, if only because there is certain inevitability about your current path.More About Capricorn
January 21 - February 19AQUARIUS 07 June: Having experienced just how thoughtless and intransigent certain people can be, you must now find new ways to shift the ground in your favour. However, there is little to be gained from forcing the issues, so I suggest you continue on a generous, tolerant and flexible, ready-for-anything path.More About Aquarius
February 20 - March 20PISCES 07 June: Loved ones now know that they have overstepped the mark, but may not yet be ready to apologise or make amends. Be content with the knowledge that you are, and always were, in the right. One other word of advice: banish your doubts and believe in yourself for a change.More About Pisces

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