Sunday, 10 June 2012

prepare a day by horoscope

ARIES 11 June: Today's lively planetary picture could easily pass you by. However, once you start talking about your real feelings, or even dare to think about them, you may open the flood gates to a tide of emotion. Just watch out that you don't end up throwing money away in pursuit of false promises

TAURUS 11 June: There is a very high chance of a lucrative financial offer. Stop and think, though, for this is one of those times when a wonderful opportunity could vanish as fast as it appears. Opposition from partners should diminish as the day passes, so someone who has been bothering you may quietly slip away in prsuit of false promises.

April 21 - May 21TAURUS 11 June: There is a very high chance of a lucrative financial offer. Stop and think, though, for this is one of those times when a wonderful opportunity could vanish as fast as it appears. Opposition from partners should diminish as the day passes, so someone who has been bothering you may quietly slip away.
May 22 - June 21GEMINI 11 June: This is a time for action but not for commitment. One possible course is to surrender to fate and allow circumstances to dictate the pace. This requires considerable courage, for you must learn to trust in the future. That's difficult I know, but it's essential.
June 22 - July 23CANCER 11 June: The possibility of secret emotions and fantasies now seems to be at a height. There may be an element of deception, but very much more noticeable are your idealistic tendencies - including your admirable belief in a better world - and these should sustain you.
July 24 - August23LEO 11 June: Your social stars are extremely powerful, and this is one of those times when, at your most extreme, you may fall in love one minute, and then out of love the next. At the very least you should be shuffling your friends and re-arranging engagements.
August 24 - September 23VIRGO 11 June: Keep a close watch on professional developments. A major opportunity will come and go very quickly, and it will be up to you to seize the moment. You may even have a chance to opt out of a commitment in which you always thought you were trapped. But do you really want to be free? That could be what you're about to find out.
September 24 - October 23LIBRA 11 June: The urge to travel, or to be somewhere else, may be absolutely irresistible. If you have the freedom to take off at a moment's notice, do so. Otherwise you'll have to find whatever way you can to bring a little inspiration into your life. I'm sure you'll manage.
October 24 - November 22SCORPIO 11 June: Money makes the world go around is one old familiar saying with fresh relevance. Another is 'money doesn't talk, it swears', which may sum up your mood today! The fact is, though, that a little careful forethought will avert any problem the stars can throw at you.
November 23 - December 22SAGITTARIUS 11 June: If today is all sweetness and light, you're missing out on something. But, if there should be any signs of imminent crisis, face up to them and get to grips with as many problems as you can. In so doing you'll clear the air and lift a weight from your shoulders.
December 23 - January 20CAPRICORN 11 June: Much depends on your ability to cope with routine daily chores. The most you can expect from today's stars is the chance to change jobs, and the best advice you can be offered is to tackle overdue tasks before the pressure becomes irresistible. Oh, and keep financial pressures in perspective.
January 21 - February 19AQUARIUS 11 June: Be prepared to do a U-turn. In fact be prepared to do two! It's important that you have as much freedom as you need to change your mind and then change it back again. This is such an important time in your personal development that you can't be constrained by what other people think or expect.
February 20 - March 20PISCES 11 June: It may be difficult, but you have to decide who you love, where you want to live and also probably what you want to do for work. Important questions indeed, but nobody ever said that, having made up your mind, you should stick to your guns. Whatever you do today you can undo tomorrow.


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