Thursday, 7 June 2012


Free Daily Horoscope, Astrology, Numerology Online by Peter Vidal - Indian Express

Daily Weekly


March 21 - April 20ARIES 08 June: You know full well that it is within your power to determine the outcome of financial negotiations and discussions. There's something that's still not entirely clear, though. Perhaps the role of a female associate has yet to be established - you don't quite know where you stand. More About Aries
April 21 - May 21TAURUS 08 June: Current astrological trends offer you a marvellous opportunity to face up to awkward or highly emotional situations. Face up to partners' complaints and criticism in the knowledge that you have got what it takes to put them right. You must believe in yourself.More About Taurus
May 22 - June 21GEMINI 08 June: You are now entering a phase in which you may reasonably allow situations to take their own course. However, as far as specifically financial affairs are concerned you must be careful not to let events run out of your control, especially at this delicate stage. More About Gemini
June 22 - July 23CANCER 08 June: You're still on top of events, but your best bet at the moment is to occupy your time in such a manner that you cannot be forced to accept unsatisfactory conditions. Keep a close watch on financial affairs later in the day, and make sure that nobody pulls the wool over your eyes.More About Cancer
July 24 - August23LEO 08 June: This is likely to be a crucial period as far as both career and domestic hopes are concerned. Family pressures which have surfaced recently may go back a long way. Now you have the opportunity to tackle these entrenched, long-term issues and deal with partners who have dug their heels in.More About Leo
August 24 - September 23VIRGO 08 June: The current Pluto alignment indicates that an emotional or family tie is quite clearly giving you some cause for concern just now. However, a solution lies well within your grasp and it is therefore in your interests to be placatory; it's easy when you know how!More About Virgo
September 24 - October 23LIBRA 08 June: In a matter of days a number of pieces of the jigsaw will fit into place. Yet first you may have to endure a certain amount of aggravation from partners who still do not believe you are up to the job. It is true, though, that you may have to smarten up your act.More About Libra
October 24 - November 22SCORPIO 08 June: Mercury's relationship with your sign suggests that you have probably become accustomed to harsh words and heavy demands, especially when discussing personal questions. All the relevant issues must now be brought to the surface. And sooner rather than later.More Abou Scorpio
November 23 - December 22SAGITTARIUS 08 June: There really seems to be little point in arguing or apportioning blame over a career matter. You must see that there is much good sense in what other people have to say, and you will reject good advice at your peril. It's time to listen, and to bide your time.More About Sagittarius
December 23 - January 20CAPRICORN 08 June: Partners and close associates have really been remarkably willing to compromise when you think about it. You have only a short time left to reach a firm agreement before you again run into stiff opposition. Oh, and keep an eye on legal irritations.More About Capricorn
January 21 - February 19AQUARIUS 08 June: Recent statements have undoubtedly been an eye-opener, and you now have the perfect opportunity to pull a number of different emotional strands together. Close friends will appreciate your new, fresh approach. It makes a change from partners complaining that you are upsetting their plans!More About Aquarius
February 20 - March 20PISCES 08 June: Others may well be plausible and convincing, yet it now seems rather unlikely that you will derive much benefit by changing the pattern of your life either at home or at work. Such changes require a great deal more thought, at least for the next few weeks.More About Pisces

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